Bioidentical Hormones Denver

As a medical spa and wellness center, we provide bioidentical hormones in Denver, or man-made hormones that are similar to hormones produced by the human body, and used as treatment for both men and women whose hormones are low or out of balance.

Bioidentical hormones are identical on a molecular level with endogenous hormones in hormone replacement therapy.

Common bioidentical hormones that are matched are estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Bioidentical hormones can be used as men and women age and the levels of some of the key hormones in the body decrease, resulting in common effects such as:

  • Hot flashes
  • Loss of energy
  • Fatigue
  • Night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Loss of interest in sex
  • Pain during sex
  • Problems sleeping
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Weight gain
  • Foggy thinking or memory loss
  • Mood changes

Call Skin Perfection Aesthetics for a consultation to learn which method of given bioidentical hormones would work well for you.

Hormone Replacement Therapy Denver

When you visit our medical spa and wellness center for an initial consultation for hormone replacement therapy in Denver, we will review the symptoms associated with low hormone levels and what that condition can cause.

As a BioTE® medical provider, we promote good health and well-being for both men and women using the BioTE® method for hormone replacement therapy at our medical spa under the watchful care of licensed professionals and our medical director.

While there are various types of hormone-specific hormone replacement therapy medications that come in a variety of forms, we can help you begin your journey to wellness with the most notable hormone therapy modalities consistently administered in oral, topical or pellet forms to:

  • Help men reignite their sex life
  • Help fight depression, irritability, and mood swings
  • Deal with extreme fatigue
  • Help treat common menopausal symptoms
  • Prevent bone loss & reduce fractures in postmenopausal women

Call our office today if you are searching for hormone replacement therapy to bring relief from menopausal symptoms, or to reignite your sex life.

Hormone Therapy Denver

We can help both men and women face unique challenges hormonally as they age with hormone therapy in Denver to reduce the symptoms of low hormone levels.

Our hormone therapy may help you deal with hormonal imbalances that can create:

  • Mood swings
  • Hot flashes
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Postpartum depression
  • Decrease in testosterone levels & sex drive
  • Fatigue and tiredness
  • Joint pain

We provide hormone therapy that can be tailored to your symptoms.

Call Skin Perfection Aesthetics for a consultation to determine if hormone therapy is a good option for you. 720-502-6168

Areas We Serve​


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